85 years strong!
IBEW Local 459 fights for hard-working families. Get involved today!Please take a moment to contact your elected officials for the RGGI campaign. As a constituent, your elected officials do listen to you. It only takes a few minutes to make your voice heard.
January, April, July & October meetings -- Erie at the Local 56 Hall, 185 Pennbriar Drive, Erie, PA 16509\ February, May, August, November meetings-- Warren at the Fire Hall, 12 South State Street, N. Warren, PA 16365/ March, June, September & December meetings -- Jamestown, NY, at the IBEW Local 106, 322 James Ave., Jamestown, NY 14701North Union Township Recreation Center 120 Commonwealth Drive Lemont Furnace, PA 15465 6:00 pm
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Updated: Feb. 06 (04:59)
Hall Closing due to Weather Conditions IBEW Local 191 Celebrating Black History Month IBEW Local 483 Please Consider Donating IBEW Local 483 Kraken Union Night IBEW Local 483 2325 Sweatshirt Swag IBEW local 2325 MLK Jr Day I.B.E.W. Local Union 266